Monday, February 27, 2012

Quaker Records

The search that was discussed last week led to several other clues. Primarily, I began looking more into quaker records. The search focused mainly on Jesse Cox. There were several listings in Indiana, so I began to search for the Bunker family. Jesse Cox's son, Benjamin Cox, married Judith Bunker. The two families had similar migration patterns. I found Judith listed with her parents and siblings in several monthly meeting (congregations) records in Indiana. I am currently working to map out the location of each of these monthly meetings and plan to share that map with all of you soon!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Jesse Cox Podcast

I was recently searching on and came upon a story about Jesse Cox. It was a public member story that wasn't well sourced, but matched Jesse Cox's migration pattern meticulously. I made a podcast of the story and you can listen to it here on the blog. It is located on the right sidebar.

Making the podcast was a unique experience. It was my first time creating a podcast. Creating the podcast was a good experience and I look forward to doing it again now that I have some experience doing it.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

William and Oscar Cox's Marriage Record

Several weeks ago I ordered microfilms from the Family History Library. They came in last week and I was anxious to find marriage records for William and Oscar Cox. The film was indexed and I had previously determined that these records were available. William Cox was married twice and both records were on this film. These records are very useful since they list the name of the couple and their parents. Oscar Cox's marriage record was also easily accessible. He married Ella Ora Burchell. Their only child, Beatrice Ora Cox, is my great-grandmother.