Monday, January 30, 2012

Simon Cox

I was recently searching through the Family History Library Catalog and found historical accounts from Randolph County. I browsed through trying to find any listing of the surname Cox. I came across a story about Simon Cox. I don't know if he is related to Jesse Cox, but their were many similarities. His father was Benjamin Cox (not the Benjamin Cox mentioned previously), possibly an brother of Jesse Cox. The unique thing about Simon Cox was his migration pattern, it matches exactly with the migration pattern of Jesse Cox. He started out in North Carolina, moved to Ohio, and then to Randolph County, Indiana. This migration pattern is too similar to that of Jesse Cox to ignore it.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Thomas Cox

Benjamin Cox had eight children. Thomas Cox, his youngest son, is my direct ancestor. This past week I did some research in the 1905 Wisconsin State Census. I found the family of Thomas Cox living in Forest, Vernon, Wisconsin. The record was found on The surname Cox was very common in Vernon County. I went through the other images for the township of Forest and found William Melvin Cox, Thomas' eldest son. It was an exciting find.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Jesse Cox Family

Jesse Cox is my 5th Great-grandfather. He was born in Guilford County, North Carolina and lived in Georgia, Ohio, and Indiana. I will explore his life and that of his descendants based on research that has been and will be performed.

Jesse Cox married Louisa Owen and they had three children: Malinda, Benjamin, and Louis. I will focus on the descendants of Benjamin, since he is my direct ancestor.

If you are related to this family and would like to share info or just give your input, feel free to leave a comment.